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Prevention/risk-reduction support 

In scientific studies spanning over 20+ years, B vitamin insufficiencies/deficiencies have been linked to multiple adverse brain health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, ADHD symptoms, cognitive decline, accelerated rates of brain atrophy, mild cognitive impairment, late onset Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular dementia outcomes. In addition, B vitamin deficiencies may give rise to increased levels of several neurotoxic markers that are themselves also independent risk factors for adverse brain outcomes (ex: elevated homocysteine, elevated thioactone/HTL, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, increased NF-KB, increased IL6, etc). In consideration of these multiple risks, balanced B vitamin supplementation is being actively studied for its potential risk-reduction benefits through both replenishment support and the capacity to the reduce the downstream risk for developing increased levels of  potentially neurotoxic biomarkers (homocysteine, oxidative stress markers, IL6, etc).


Anti-oxidant nutrient support 

In scientific studies, several B vitamins have demonstrated anti-oxidant properties including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12. In addition, zinc and selenium also possess anti-oxidant properties.


Homocysteine metabolism support 

Published studies indicate that B2, B6, B9, and B12 are key nutrient co-factors that support homocysteine metabolism. These same B vitamins have been used to help reduce elevated homocysteine levels. Zinc and selenium may also help to reduce homocysteine levels in some published studies.


Symptom improvement support 

Published studies report that B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, zinc, and selenium supplements have each been associated with reduced psychiatric symptom levels in at least one or more clinical studies (depression, anxiety, and/or ADHD).


Enhanced psychiatric medication benefit support 

Published studies report that combinations of B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, and zinc supplements have each been associated with reduced psychiatric symptom levels when added to psychiatric medications in at least one or more clinical studies (depression, anxiety, and/or ADHD).


Replenishment support of multiple B vitamins in one capsule 

Each capsule includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12.
